Visual Art Diaries & Treasure Boxes
What does a Visual Verbal Journal include?
Content: Sketches, Drawings, Photographs, Collages, Personally Meaningful Symbols, Words: poems, sayings, words you like………….
It can contain colours you like, experiments with materials. This one on the left is a page just about an event that the artist attended, like a scrapbook but with some personal ideas and items added.
What does a treasure box contain?
In this project we will be making shelters out of various materials, we will add materials to our sculptures. We will use materials to draw, to draw with, to draw on so gather anything that you find that you feel might relate to this artwork.
It can contain materials you want to use to make or draw on your shelter. It can contain items you want to put into your shelter. Items can be moved in and out of this box during your artwork creation.
Gather materials that could be used in the making of a shelter: bark rubbings, drawing of items in the park, photos of the park, photos of items in the park – we will later use our representations of these objects in our design: like the ones below